Canon F-1 SLR Film Camera with 50mm 1: 1.4 SSC FD Lens CLAD SEALS 101640
The camera shutter is snappy and smooth with no squeal sound. The body is customized with red Leather skin which makes the camera stands out. The camera comes with SSC FD 1.4 50mm Canon lens with a Lens filter & Cap. The camera itself is fully serviced and CLAD. Couple of issues which I believe is an easy to fix, if you know how to. On random Apperture speeds after taking a shot, the Prism does not come down for ready to take the next picture, unless you pull the lever again ( This doesn't affect the picture quality). The meter reading needle works but the Aperture needle doesn't work in this camera. The film Counter works on this camera and the lens is clean with no sign of Fungus.