Yashica MAT TLR Camera for parts SR. 74351
The first Yashica TLR with crank advance was the Yashica-Mat, released in 1957. The earliest models are equipped with a 75-mm 3.5 Lumaxar taking lens and a 75-mm 3.2 Lumaxar viewing lens, succeeded by 80-mm lenses with the same specifications. According to some authorities (most notably Mark Hama, who formerly worked in a Yashica factory), the Lumaxar was manufactured for Yashica in West Germany; according to others, it was made in Japan by Tomioka. The lens, a four-element design said to be of the Tessar type, was later re-named Yashinon.
The Yashica-Mat used two different shutters the Copal MX or Copal MXV (i.e. with switchable M- or X-synchronisation, and with a self-timer in the latter case). The shutter speeds are marked according to the older system with 1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/250 and 1/500. The speed is adjusted with the knurled wheel/knob on the right-hand side (i.e. the user's right) of the lenses. The left-hand wheel adjusts the aperture. As shown in the examples pictured below, the shutter and aperture wheels come in more than one finish. The cable release is of the "Leica nipple" style which is also used on several subsequent models.
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